
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Patent Spiritual Wazaaif of Shah Zoqi Shah

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

Sometimes he comes out of house and thinks that where and why I had to go for something. Sometimes due to forgetfulness he stumbles across. He does not find his home. For this recite  after every obligatory prayer and make dum on both of your hands and rub over the head. 

To Tame Disobedient Children

If someone’s children are disobedient and they do not obey them and they are stubborn and they have become a problem for the parents.. For this recite durood sharif after every prayer 11 times. And in the middle recite  

1000 times and make dum on sweet or water and give them to all of the children to eat or drink and make dum on all of the children. Perform this deed at night so that you can make dum easily on all of the children. This deed has to be done only once. If you see any deficiency in obedience then does it one more time. By the will of Allah the offspring will become obedient and docile.


Curing Headache

If someone has ache in his whole head all the time so in order to reduce that write down the following words under ablution and sew them in black cloth and tie them over the head of the patient. By the will of Allah the head ache shall be cured. The letters are


دم ہ م ل ہ

Pain in Half Head

If someone has pain in half of the head then for this recite durood sharif three times before and after under ablution. In the middle recite the following verse 11 times and dum. By the grace of Allah the pain will ameliorate. 

Treating Mental Weakness

If a kid’s or an older person’s brain is weak and they forget frequently or if the kid forgets their lessons even after memorizing them many times so in order to reduce this weakness of their memory and for the strength of the brain write the following verse on a paper بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ along with wrap it in a polythene cover and put it around the neck of a dumb child or an adult. By the grace of Allah the brain of the child will start functioning well. And whatever he shall read, he will remember. And the older person shall also remain safe from the weakness of the mind. The verse is 


If someone is suffering from forgetfulness that he sometimes forgets the way back to his home. Sometimes he comes out of house and thinks that where and why I had to go for something. Sometimes due to forgetfulness he stumbles across. He does not find his home. For this recite  

100 times after every obligatory prayer and make dum on both of your hands and rub over the head. By the will of Allah soon he shall get redemption from the illness of forgetfulness.

Cure of Sleeplessness

If someone cannot sleep at all at night due to dryness of the brain and his body remains sluggish for the whole day due to sleeplessness and he finds obstacles in everything then he should use mustard or coconut oil and recite the following verses 7 times under ablution and make dum and apply this in the head and till the time he cannot sleep he should keep on reciting the following verses. By the grace of Allah by doing this deed for a few days the problem of insomnia will resolve and he will sleep calmly. The verses are as follows: 

For Deep Sleep

If someone cannot sleep and he spends the whole night in quandary then he should recite this verse at night while sleeping and make dum on both hands and rub them over the whole body. The verse is: 

Cure of Flu

If someone is overwhelmed with flu and severity of flu has engulfed him then he should recite this verse 11 times and make dum on some eatable thing and give it to the patient to eat. By the will of Allah after doing this deed for a few days the patient will become healthy and the flu will heal. The verse is as follows:   

and recite Surah Fateha 3 times and make dum on the patient. This is a very nice deed for getting rid of flu.

Deed for Tooth Ache

If someone has severe pain in the teeth and he does not feel well anyhow then recite durood sharif 7 times before the beginning and at the end and recite these verses in the middle 3 times and make dum on the teeth of the patient. The verses are as:  

Safety of Pregnancy

If some woman cannot keep her pregnancy and she has a miscarriage often so to keep it safe and to have a baby born intact, the following verses should be written and wrapped in a polythene cover and be tied up with the back of the woman during the initial days of the pregnancy. This should be tied up for 40 days. Open it after 40 days and put it somewhere. Then tie this amulet of verses upon the start of the ninth month of the pregnancy. When the baby is born then after giving him a shower open it from the back of the woman and put it around the neck of the child. And this amulet should be tied around the neck of the child for 7 years. Upon completion of 7 years tie it with a stone, and cool it in an ocean, river, canal, pond or a lake. If you do not find such a body of water then bury it in a jungle where people cannot step over it. By the grace of Allah and by the blessings of this amulet the kid will stay alive and will acquire a long life. Those verses are:  

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